Carestone Property Fund is a sub-fund of Bluestone Real Estate Fund S.C.A..
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“Healthcare real estate” is a global term covering all properties that have a direct or indirect connection with healthcare provision. The building is suitable for health care operation exploitation (or a supporting contribution). Healthcare real estate includes buildings with a wide variety of functions and characteristics. That includes healthcare centres, clinics, residential centres and hospitals.
Cure Versus Care
In the health care sector, there is clear differentiation between the Cure and Care sectors. Cure targets healing. The real estate classified in this sector includes hospitals and primary care centres. People needing treatment come to these properties temporarily, and receive significant parts of their treatment and recuperation there. In the Netherlands, the healthcare insurance law primarily covers the costs of Cure.
Care targets caring for people. Care is sub-divided into Residential Care properties, Real Estate with a Caring Function, Social Services Provision and private homes. Residential care concerns situation where residence is inseparable from provision of care, e.g. a nursing home or residential home for heavily handicapped people. Real estate with a caring function identifies properties where the residence is separated from care. In the Netherlands, primary funding for Care comes from the AWBZ (The Dutch Exceptional Medical Expenses Act), which is known since 2015 as the Long-Term Care Act, and the Wmo (The Dutch Social Support Act )